Media articles on David McBride 2021
Xenophon Davis, ‘ David McBride faces life imprisonment,’ 1 min 35 sec video re David McBride, 8 January 2022.
Interview with David McBride, Australian Military Whistleblower Who Faces Prosecution Shares Perspective On End To Afghanistan War, The Dissenter, 31 August 2021.
Blake Foden, COVID-19 restrictions cause lengthy delay in case of military whistleblower David McBride, Canberra Times, 27 August 2021.
Sarah Basford Canales, David McBride’s prosecution shows ‘insidious’ side of national security debate: Professor Peter Greste, Canberra Times, 14 September 2021.
Paul Gregoire, “A Stain on Our National Record Forever”: McBride on the Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Sydney Criminal Lawyers, 8 September, 2021.
Interview with David McBride, Australian Military Whistleblower Who Faces Prosecution Shares Perspective On End To Afghanistan War, The Dissenter, 31 August 2021.
Blake Foden, COVID-19 restrictions cause lengthy delay in case of military whistleblower David McBride, Canberra Times, 27 August 2021.
Paul Gregoire, Drop the Charges Against David McBride, Recommends Senate Press Freedoms Inquiry, Sydney Criminal Lawyers, 25 May 2021.
Paul Gregoire, A “Totalitarian Regime With a Sunny Climate”: McBride on Whistleblower Persecution, Sydney Criminal Lawyers, 14 April, 2021.
Shounok Chatterjee, Why Australia Should Drop Charges Against David McBride for Whistleblowing Afghan War Crimes, London School of Economics, 1 February, 2021.
Kathryn Kelly, How is David McBride’s prosecution in the public interest? Canberra Times, 8 December 2020
Daniel McCulloch, Feds won’t intervene in David McBride case, Canberra Times, 30 November, 2020.