AAPP - Bernard Collaery speaking at SOS 4Assange Rally, this Saturday 11am British High Commission
Please come along and bring your friends to the International Day of Action, SOS 4Assange! on 8 October in Canberra
Free Julian Assange!
11am, Saturday 8 October 2022
British High Commission, Commonwealth Ave Yarralumla
The Australian government must not allow the extradition process to continue and for Assange to be taken, probably to die, in America. Reporting war crimes must not be a crime, or what does that say about our justice system and morality
Journalists everywhere are reportedly being intimidated already by this case, democracy everywhere is under threat from it. Assange has been in prison or detention now for more than ten years, which is more than many violent criminals, but Assange is a man of peace who has never acted for his own personal gain.
We call for an end to this inhumane treatment of Assange and threat to democracy!
Bernard Collaery Former ACT Attorney General
Jack Waterford Journalist and former Editor, Canberra Times
Caroline le Couteur Former Greens MLA
Shane Rattenbury ACT Attorney-General TBC
Sophie Singh Refugee Action Campaign
Blaise Tirla with his song for Assange
See here for details of other events around Australia leading up to and on 8 October, including the SOS 4Assange in Melbourne on the banks of the Yarra, gathering on Princes Bridge at 11am - also events in London, Sydney, Byron Bay and more. Also Tuesday afternoon pickets are being held in Adelaide outside Senator Wong's office at 19 Gouger Street, Adelaide at 4.30pm.
Don’t forget, Julian's lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, is speaking at the National Press Club on 19 October 2022 about his case. Tickets are available here, cost $100. Please come along to support Julian if you’re in Canberra.
Jennifer Robinson will also be speaking at a special Adelaide Writers’ Week event on 25 October 2022 at Adelaide University.
11.45 AM TUESDAY 4 OCTOBER 2022, ADELAIDE DISTRICT COURT, 241-259 Victoria Square (Western side near the Central Market).
Richard is presenting his public interest disclosure defence, and if he wins it, we expect that will be the end of the charges against him. But the legislation governing PID is recognised as being inadequate for protection of whistleblowers and it is unfair that he, and David McBride, are having to depend on that legislation in the PID defences. AAPP has written again to AG Dreyfus pointing out the injustice of continuing with these prosecutions.
Please be there if you can to support Richard in Adelaide, and join our regular picket at the AG Departmental offices and PM Department offices tomorrow at 12.30pm at 1-3 National Cct Barton, to call for the charges against Assange, Boyle and McBride to all be droppe
MAPW fundraising concert
at the Swiss Embassy on Friday October 14th - 5.30 for 6 pm.
Dr Robert Schmidli will be performing compositions by Prokofiev and JS Bach with a reception after the concert.
Booking deadline is tomorrow! Seating is limited to 60 so please book now to secure your place. For tickets, contact Maureen Cummuskey, maureencummuskey@iinet.net.au
If you need disability access please let us know as we can arrange for you to park in the grounds of the Embassy.
There will be a raffle after the concert so don’t forget to bring some cash for raffle tickets. The catering includes vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options. Please let Maureen know when you book if you require one of these options.
MAPW is a supporting organisation of AAPP.
There will be a rally for David McBride at the ACT Courts at 9am, Thursday 27 October, before his PID defence starts at 10am. The need for changes in the whistleblower protection legislation is urgent as is the need for the National Anti Corruption Commission to have public hearings without having to prove ‘exceptional circumstances’.
If you’re in Melbourne, don’t miss the chance to see the film,
David McBride:Declassifed at the Nova Cinema Carlton, 6.30 – 9pm on Thursday 6 October.
We reported that Bernard had another hearing about the full disclosure of the earlier Appeal Court’s judgement on Fri 23 Sept and the Chief Justice’s decision is forthcoming. A good outline of the continuing saga of the Collaery case is here, in this article by Paul Gregoire of Sydney Criminal Lawyers.
A FREE online and in-person event will highlight the Bernard Collaery case and its important implications for the Australian legal system, on October 6 Thursday 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Online via Zoom (A link will be sent to those who register.) or In person: Gilbert + Tobin, L35, Tower Two, International Towers Sydney, 200 Barangaroo Ave
Speakers: Professor Rosalind Dixon; Bernard Collaery, Dr Kate Harrison and Chris Flynn of Gilbert & Tobin who led the defence solicitors; Leading barristers Phillip Boulten SC and Dr Chris Ward SC; The Honourable Gareth Evans AC, and Kieran Pender, Senior lawyer, Human Rights Law Centre. Click this link to register.
For justice and democracy
Kathryn Kelly Co-convenor, Alliance Against Political Prosecutions 0417 269 984 PO Box 549, Curtin, ACT 2605
https://aapp.ipan.org.au/ https://www.facebook.com/Dropwhistleblowerprosecutions/ Twitter: @DProsecutions
Photo: Jodie Harrison